This site is running on a 286 PC, booted and served entirely from a 90mm floppy disk. See current server stats.
All content on this site is provided by the Museum of Obsolete Media, curated by Jason Curtis. My sincerest thanks to Jason for providing me with the worthy challenge of exhibiting his work in the only appropriate way:
The Floppy Disk Museum: The Bootable Floppy edition!

2.8-inch DataDisk (1986 - early 1990s)

The 2.8-inch DataDisk was a magnetic floppy disk, introduced by Smith Corona for use in their Personal Word Processor (PWP) word-processing systems introduced in 1986. The PWP range fell between an electric typewriter and and personal computer, and all

The disk was based on the Mitsumi Quick Disk format (as were Nintendo Famicom disk cards) and the disks were manufactured by Mitsumi and rebranded by Smith Corona. The disks used a 2.8-inch disk inside an approximately 3-inch housing and could store ab

Unlike the 3.5-inch floppy disk, DataDisks needed to be turned over to use the other side of the disk, and used breakout tabs for write protection (rather than a sliding tab) for each side. They also did not have a protective shutter for the disk, and

DataDisks continued to be used into the 1990s, and a 1991 review refers to the process of using the drive as ‘slow (and strangely noisy) and expensive’. Perhaps because of their non-standard nature, the disks were more expensive than 3.5-inch flopp

Finding a working PWP or Mitsumi Quick Disk drive is difficult, and even if you can get one working (you’ll almost certainly need to replace the drive belt), reading data from the disks is likely to be very difficult due to bit rot.


Dimension (outer casing): 78.1 mm x 75.9 mm x 3 mm

Capacity: 100 KB