This site is running on a 286 PC, booted and served entirely from a 90mm floppy disk. See current server stats.
All content on this site is provided by the Museum of Obsolete Media, curated by Jason Curtis. My sincerest thanks to Jason for providing me with the worthy challenge of exhibiting his work in the only appropriate way:
The Floppy Disk Museum: The Bootable Floppy edition!

Sony PD-1 (1987 – early 1990s)

The Sony PD-1 (also labelled as 2inch DataDisk) was a floppy disk design introduced in 1987 for the Sony PJ-100 Personal Word Processor (labelled as ‘Produce’). This was a portable word processor that incorporated a detachable dot-matrix printer.

The PD-1 disk used the same form-factor as Sony’s Video Floppy, and in fact the PD-1 has the VF logo stamped into the shell. The PD-1 was purely for data storage, and could store 47 documents when used with the PJ-100. By contrast, a Video Floppy stored 50 analogue video stills. Sony claimed a capacity of 1 MB for the disk, but it’s unclear if this could all be used effectively if there was a limitation on the number of files.

Sony later released a second model of Personal Word Processor using the PD-1 disc, the PJ-1000, in 1989. This claimed to store 60 documents on the disk, or 170 A4 pages of text.

A similar but incompatible version of the 2-inch floppy disk (called LT-1) could be formatted for 720 KB of data, and in this form was used in the Zenith Minisport laptop computer circa 1989.


Dimensions: 60 mm × 54.1 mm × 3.5 mm

Capacity: 1 MB